Annual Down-Time as Low as 0.5%!
Unscheduled down-time can be a major headache, but is often a necessary evil.
How do you get Real reliability without breaking the bank?

Based on Japanese Technology
Pursuit of Excellence
The Japanese, as a people, is relentless in pursuing the holy grail of Zero Defects and making their products last a VERY long time.
A team of Japanese technical experts used their know-how to create the technology that we now simply call: Non-Stop™.
Available first on the 2nd-Generation Two-Platen machines. Other machine models will follow.
Precision Hydraulics™
Foundations of Reliability
The philosophy of Not-Making-Things-Worse is the cornerstone of achieving great reliability — that means reducing unnecessary wear-and-tear whenever possible.
Smooth as Silk
Hydraulics systems relentlessly fine-tuned and optimized by European and Japanese experts to minimize pressure drops and eliminate spikes and over-shoots turn all mechanical motions to silky smoothness.

Rock Solid Machanics
Designed Robustness
Patented mechanical designs have ample margins of safety built-in, allowing superior performance while maintaining the machine at top shape for as long as possible.
Reliable Components
A system is only as reliable as its weakest link — or the worse quality component. True Reliability is not obtained via skimming on costs for cheap materials and parts.
Dynamic Control Systems
Fast dynamic controls technology is key towards smooth, shocks-free mechanical motions. Interrupt-driven, Hard-Real-Time controls with closed-loop feedback is a must.
Adaptive Intelligence
The prevalence of signal noises, hydraulic spikes, mechanical shocks, temperature fluctuations and normal wear-and-tear means that rigid dynamical systems degrade over time in an not-totally-predictable manner.
In order to maintain stable performance and high precision, misaligned components must be promptly compensated for and brought back into alignment automatically and dynamically through adaptive algorithms.
